Hi guys, made a new version of my music controlled led strip and thought

Hi guys, made a new version of my music controlled led strip and thought you might like it. It is kind of simple effect but I think it visualizes the music nicely!
I will add source code later on to video, but I also have one question - would someone have good idea how to make the speed of led slower towards the end of the strip?

Slowing the speed down near the end of the strip would be a challenge. Something much easier would be to fade the lights out as they get closer to the end.

@marmil Yeah I thought so too. I might try fading them, could look even better!

If you slow them down toward the end, the lights will probably have to merge/stack up. Difficulty and efficiency will probably depend on how you’re tracking the pattern progression, but I assume you’re (essentially) shifting new values into the front of an array on each trip through the loop, copying the value at position N to position N+1?

Maybe you could try scaling the new position. Maybe using something like:

// scale movement to about 95%
scale16by8( N, 242 ) + 1;

But again, depending on your current code, it might not be as simple as that.

Dougal’s comment reminded me of an easing sketch I wrote ages ago:

See my code for catenaryBT2, slows LEDS using a sine function.