Hi Guys , I'm searching for people which have will and time to cooperate

Hi Guys , I’m searching for people which have will and time to cooperate with a project I started a few months ago. It’s a ESP8266 + Webserver + Fastled controller similar to this made by +Jasoon Coon . Mine programming skills aren’t at a level which I desire to be so any help with this will be highly appreciated. I use code from several projects on the web , but main idea is to have a finished and polished led controller with some pre-defined animation and sound reactive also. The first problem is to get rid of the Neopixel’s library VU code and replace it with similar FastLED one. The second is to make it stable enough for deployment ( get rid of wdt resets which happens from time to time ) 3rd - Modify the code for MSGEQ7 input

PS. Sorry ,I just created github account and I 'm not familiar with it

I’ve been working on something similar, trying to come up with repeatable, preferably solderless, hardware and software solution for arduino and fastled, which can do simple light control and sound reactive modes. My time is pretty limited right now, but shoot me a message and I can share what I have with you.

I have also wanted to do this with the ESP platform. Maybe things are better now but when I was working on piecing and modifying code I concluded that the ESP module and ws28xx alike pixels are at odds due to the very tight timing and wifi interrupts. I had issues getting the ESP to work with certain strands while it worked fine on others. With those issues I shifted my focus to teensy based pixel control and in the near future using the ESP as an web / udp interface for e1.31 and or preset control.

One project that seems to be fine tuning the ESP is http://forkineye.com - ESPixelStick - An E1.31 WiFi Pixel Controller . I actually took one of his earlier versions of code and replaced it with fast led so I could use preset effects. But finally gave in to using other mcu for the pixel control.

Could you guys share some example of FASTLED VU meter code single bar displaying peak level + peak dot / I’m also interested how do you handle audio/analog signals - how to manage noise and scale it depending on the audio level .

Hi again folks , If someone interested I found a little hack to use near 5v logic on WS2812 without using logic converter. Didn’t test it yet but it look like promising. Enjoy ! http://hackaday.com/2017/01/20/cheating-at-5v-ws2812-control-to-use-a-3-3v-data-line/

I’ve switched to the Wemos D1 Mini Pro and overclock at 160 MHz, and haven’t been seeing any resets lately. I have a dozen pieces all running on them, using a variety of different LED quantities and types (250 x WS2811, 290 x WS2812, 255 x APA102, etc). Here’s a fork of my ESP8266-FastLED-WebServer that adds support for audio patterns via a MSGEQ7: https://github.com/jasoncoon/esp8266-fastled-audio

Hi , @Jason_Coon I have same board and today will test it . Just a quick replacement I changed a bit wifi-connect code because the default doesnt worked for me ( may be AP issue ) else
Serial.printf(“Connecting to %s\n”, ssid);
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) delay(500);

if (String(WiFi.SSID()) != String(ssid)) {
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
} //Don’t know what was the exact issue but this worked may be some dhcp-delay were needed

It works very very well !!!

It seems that with this setup maximum pixels are ~200 over cause restarts. Anyway for me is excellent. For big setups I recommend WS2811 over WS2812 this 3leds per pixel is nice scaled in long strips and software pixels are 1/3 :slight_smile:
Could you review this idea when you have time ?

void spectrumWaves4()
CRGB color = CRGB(spectrumByte[twinkleSpeed], spectrumByte[map(twinkleDensity+twinkleSpeed,0,12,0,6)] / 3, spectrumByte[twinkleDensity]);

leds[CENTER_LED] = (color);

leds[CENTER_LED - 1] = (color);
leds[CENTER_LED - 1].fadeToBlackBy(cooling);
//move to the left
for (int i = NUM_LEDS - 1; i > CENTER_LED; i–) {
leds[i,i-sparking/10] = leds[i - 1];
// move to the right
for (int i = 0; i < CENTER_LED; i++) {
leds[i,i+sparking/10] = leds[i + 1];

I begin to adapt your nice project to my needs and will post the code when done.
Also very good idea is to have an audio tab in controls where could input noise floor , band factors etc. with sliders ? :slight_smile: Keep good work and have a nice day !

@Jason_Coon , please, tell me is there ability to add one more colorPicker(s) to webpage? And how to use additional ones in code? I’m understand how to add animations or variables, but I cant understand how to add one more colorPicker. I need it to visually setup new palette. I want to change colors on custom palette and see immediately for result.

And I want to propose you to make ability to setup gradients (palettes) “online”. My programming skills is too low to do that (
Some code for gradient JavaScript setup you can see here:

p.s. you FastLED web server is very-very usefull for “low-skills programmers” like me )) Thanks a lot!

I am working this too now…how far did you get on this and still at it?