Hi guys. I recently upgraded to a smoothie compatible board so I could use

Hi guys.

I recently upgraded to a smoothie compatible board so I could use laserweb4 and I’ve just attempted my first engraving today.

I’m having strange behaviour but I’m not sure if it’s me or not. On the old board when engraving it would scan backwards and forwards over the entire width of the image and just turn laser on and off as needed but with laserweb4 it seems to only scan over the bits to actually engrave which doesn’t anyway near as smooth or as quick as it was previously.

Any ideas?


What board?

I’m ashamed to say it’s an sbase. I wasn’t aware of the lack of open-source co-operation or the existence of the c3d until after I ordered it :pensive:

“Smoothie compatible” isn’t usually how C3D gets described.

I don’t really care about MKS either way, as long as you realize if you’re having problems, the design of the board is why.

I had no problems so far when testing the MKS SBASE board with grbl-LPC. Should work like a Smoothieboard (with i2c stepper current chip).

Both versions (with or without i2c chip) can be downloaded at https://github.com/cprezzi/grbl-LPC/releases

Excellent guys. Thanks very much and I will definitely be buying beers.