Hi folks, wondering whether I can just get a Smoothieboard 3x for upgrading an

Hi folks, wondering whether I can just get a Smoothieboard 3x for upgrading an old FSL hobby laser (2 axes)? Or is the 4x or 5x required because of the “large” FETs?

You can get the Cohesion3D Mini too. It runs smoothie firmware and was made for upgrading the K40 laser cutter. Now the FSL will probably be a bit different but you’ve already got level shifted outputs for PWM and the ability to run 4 axis (in case you want to add a Z lift table and a rotary in the future) http://cohesion3d.com/cohesion3d-mini-laser-upgrade-bundle/ We’re in the middle of the production run for this now and will be shipping in a few short weeks. Alternatively our ReMix is in stock and shipping quickly. I think you’ll find that both boards are very reasonably priced. Any questions let me know. Cheers,

Hi Ray, what are the benefits of your Mini board vs Smoothie? :slight_smile: The z lift table would be nice as the Z on this 3rd or 4th gen FSL is controlled literally w/ just a lock nut stuck to a bolt.

Hi Peter, like I said my boards run the smoothie firmware so it’s the same “brain” for awesome motion and laser performance no matter which way you go. You get swappable stepper drivers so in case one burns out it’s quite easy and cheap to swap out for a new one and you’re back in business. My boards are more compact and I like to think they are simpler to use - things like voltage regulation, Graphic LCD connections (already on remix and a simple adapter on mini), and endstop protection circuitry are all taken care of so you don’t have to worry about them.
Ultimately though you’re getting a better deal as the C3D Mini is a 4 axis board for less than the price of the 3x

To answer the original question the built in Ethernet adapter is on the 4x… 3x doesn’t come with one

FWIW buying a genuine smoothieboard supports the firmware development. AFAIK buying a cohesion does not.

@Wolfmanjm ​ which is why @FabCreator ​ machines use orginal hardware :slight_smile: