Hi Fellow Ares owners, Has anyone encountered this: In the Ares Octoprint interface, 1.

Hi Fellow Ares owners,

Has anyone encountered this:

In the Ares Octoprint interface,

  1. clicking the “Home” icon buttons on the X/Y axis and also the Z axis moves the arms of the printers.

  2. But clicking on extrude, there is no response.

Repeat the above, 1. responds, but 2 doesn’t respond.

Reboot, once logged in again. Repeat the above, 1. responds, but 2 doesn’t respond.

Then after a few attempts, click on the extrude, there is response.

Any possible reason and solution for that?

Thank you

Is the hot end hot enough when you click extrude?

Thank you @whackyhack ​.

Yes temp graph shows 195 deg c. The temp in the box also increases to the 195 deg c. set.

The firmware says #define EXTRUDE_MINTEMP 170, so this is a little troubling. Meanwhile, the OctoPrint by default uses a higher target for testing. When I test, I always use these settings. (You can change the defaults in Settings->Temperatures.)