Hi everyone! We are looking to purchase a few 3d printers for our school

Hi everyone! We are looking to purchase a few 3d printers for our school and we are looking at Flashforge Creator Pro and 3D Polar printers. What do you think it is the best device for a school? Students are using Chromebook, is their a cloud version of Cura or other good slicing cloud software ? Many thanks

I love using OctoPrint, but I usually use it as a tool to print a pre-sliced object as my raspberry pi takes a long time to slice. I’ve heard of a product called Astro Print. Apparently it is an online slicing tool that can use both Sli3r and Cura. I can’t vouch for it since I’ve never used it but maybe look into that? Good luck!

Octoprint all the way. If you’re looking in that pricerange why not look into the Printrbot lineup? Proven to be great in school environments. Can also vouch for the Lulzbot mini but not as good of a value IMHO.

We have sold quote a few creator pro to schools. Easy to use, and durable. Have had good luck with the flashforge Finder too!

Local library bought a printrbot simple, they loved it so much they got 6 more. They have been working on a cloud print, not sure how that is going.