Hi everyone, Today I connected the fan to the first connector on the Replicape.

Hi everyone,
Today I connected the fan to the first connector on the Replicape. After starting the fan from Octoprint every time it works only for 1-2 seconds or less (LED shows the same). So it is OK or it should work until I turn it off from the Octoprint? Second question: how to handle the second fan for second hotend? Can I run second fan from Octo? I plan two hotends with two fans 30x30. Maybe everything will work correctly when printing starts? For now, yet I can not see, because I’m waiting for housing and other mechanical parts and do not try to start normal printing - testing electronics only.

Most likely that fan is connected to a thermistor, so it starts automatically once the thermistor goes beyond 60. You can control which fans are started with an empty M106 fan by using “add-fan-to-m106” in the config or using the P index directly.

connect-therm-E-fan-0 = True
connect-therm-H-fan-1 = True
add-fan-0-to-M106 = True
add-fan-1-to-M106 = True

Should it be like this?

No, if a fan is connected to a thermistor, you cannot also start it with an M106. My recommendation is to only use the two first lines there. Then try to raise the temp to 70 degrees to see that the fan turns on as expected.

But if you have a fan that you want to turn on on the first layer, use the add-fan… setting.