Hi everyone, I'm the newbie here and I got a question😊 is it possible

Hi everyone, I’m the newbie here and I got a question😊 is it possible to use this software with the lasersaur laser? If so A. Does it require reflashing everything and starting over in terms of the lasersaur software? B. If it is possible how is it done? I’ve messed around with the program and haven’t gotten very far.
For what its worth I am very pleased with lasersaur and am not dissing them in anyway I just like the look of the laserweb software and I like to try all kinds of tools!
Thanks for your help!

@Jesse_Ogburn ​ I’m sorry but I believe Lasersaur is not supported at the moment. You will need to get yourself a GRBL compatible board or a smoothieboard.

Unfortunately the Lasersaur Driveboard is using a different pin layout than grbl, even if it is also running on atmega. So no, not working out of the box, sorry.

I suspected that, but I wanted to check. Thanks for the reply!

Link: http://cohesion3d.com/cohesion3d-mini-laser-upgrade-bundle/

I would not suggest to replace the Lasersaur Driveboard. It has much better Stepper drivers (Gecko) with more Current and several security mechanisms for water chiller, blower and laser tube.
An option could be to unsocket the Atmega328 Chip and make an adapter for the Grbl 1.1f pinout. Then you can use LW4 on the Beaglebone.