Hi, everyone! I have programmed ESP8266 based and wi-fi controlled LED strip effector with

Hi, everyone!

I have programmed ESP8266 based and wi-fi controlled LED strip effector with 33 different patterns and Web based management interface. Also effects can be controlled by GET requests. But there issue depending of LED count and some flickering bugs are present on certain effects. Repository link - https://github.com/FLoMacTep/ESPWebLEDs
Please help me to improve code and fix some bugs
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great sketch does it have a way to scroll though each effect for a specific amount of time

I think it can be done, but I tried to avoid of using any timers in main cycle. So you may use timers in external system, to control specific amount of time for running any effect by executing GET request to switch patterns

@Ivan_Akimov cool thanks I’ll have to learn a lot more about arduino before doing this I think on the list to do in the new year I think thanks for the comment

your probleme is with the interup and that this board use software to comunicate with the led strip. i faced the same trouble with my esp project and you need to modifi a file.

Change the timeout settings in ~/Arduino/libraries/FastLED/platforms/esp/8266/clockless_esp8266.h

Around line 21 in that file you should see:

template <int DATA_PIN, int T1, int T2, int T3, EOrder RGB_ORDER = RGB, int XTRA0 = 0, bool FLIP = false, int WAIT_TIME = 5>

Change that WAIT_TIME to 18.

try this it should work in the upper plug orange wire

@Eloi_Talbot Thank you very much, I will try this solution