Hi everybody !
My laser makes little stops when drawing curves. The "Queued : " on the top left usually show something over 20000. So I checked everything on GRBL (328p), doubled the serial speed but it’s not much better.
I saw people with almost the same problem with a smoothieboard, talking about serial speed, but mostly when engraving. With simple curves, it should work.
I had no problem with LaserWeb3, so I tried with it again, same GRBL, no problem.
Simple test you can do : try to cut a simple oval in inkscape, in LaserWeb 3 and 4, same default configuration, save the GCode and compare :
LW3 : 136 lines
LW4 : 450 lines
With a more real-life design, the difference is huge.
Am I the only one to have that problem? Where do I tweak that?
I have been seeing similar behavior on my FabKit the last few releases… is it possible that something broke in the GCode generator?
Try increase segment parameter. It makes the minimum segment to be that long in mm, reducing complexities on curves. if two points are too close, firmware chokes because cannot compute minimum movement.
@Jorge_Robles It works ! It does not solve the slow feeding problem but at least I can cut simple curves without a stop.
Thank you !
I’m not sure the segment parameter is documented somewhere in the docs…
@funinthefalls Could you please add it to docs?