Hi all, So I have just installed Laswerweb 4 and flashed GRBL to my

Hi all,

So I have just installed Laswerweb 4 and flashed GRBL to my Arduino Nano. Set my port and rate in laserweb and it says connected to machine, then boots me out saying cannot find compatible firmware. Any idea what I need to do please? I have closed Laserweb, and re opened I have restarted the Arduino but still same issue?


@Nicholas_Chappell ​ did you follow exactly instructions at http://cncpro.co/index.php/31-documentation/initial-configuration/firmware/grbl-1-1e

Do you use the latest Grbl 1.1?

@cprezzi I did mate got it from here: https://github.com/gnea/grbl/releases/download/v1.1f.20170131/grbl_v1.1f.20170131.hex

@Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty Hi mate

I followed the instructions on GRBL github and used Xloader at first to flash the hex file then I tried compiling myself through Arduino IDE both times said they were successful

I haven’t pal didn’t think I would need to as I used another software to connect (before installing GRBL to it) and it controlled it fine I just didn’t like the software lol

I’ve just tried flashing GRBL 1.1E as well see if the older version would work and still no dice hmmmm

From Laserweb mate?

Thats the Xloader after it’s uploaded the firmware. Laserweb also detects when you unplug the machine as it moans saying its found another port and stuff

Oh so I need to flash GRBL at 115200?

You absolute legend I understand now! haha its working now well it’s connected!!!

Right next game! It’s connected however it wont manually jog or move haha or run any gcode the TX and RX are flashing on the arduino but its not doing anything! Damn so close

Turns out I never turned the motor board power on DOH!!

@Baked_Bean How do I get it fire the laser?

This is the board I have dude

I havent mate no should I just read through from the top and see if there is anything I need to change?

Ah cool I do notice a little jumper on my board though that says Laser Out and its jumpered between On and 12v there is the option to jumper between on and 5v though

Haha alright mate just looking through the GRBL config page now

So nothing on that page seems to help me unfortunately mate all seems to be setup as it should and it’s in laser mode