Hi all! Just finishing up converting my K40 into a real machine and LOVING

Hi all! Just finishing up converting my K40 into a real machine and LOVING LaserWeb3 … Thanks for the awesome software!

I’m running LaserWeb3 on Linux and using GRBL for my stepper control via the Protoneer CNC board. I’m working on building a separate Arduino based control unit that will check to make sure that the vent fan is running, coolant is circulating, and the temps are within acceptable ranges. Is there a way to make LaserWeb3 check that state of an external control pin on the Arduino running GRBL for a high or low signal so my control unit can report “ready” to the software and only allow it to start when everything is running properly?

Thanks again … I’m looking forward to building some awesome stuff with this device!


+Peter van der Walt - excellent! I’ll figure it out from there.

Peter - you have built an amazing piece of software here. I appreciate your effort … Do you have a paypal donation link?

Also - other that better rastering do you think the smoothieboard is a worthwhile and noticeable upgrade over GRBL on an Arduino? Is the end result worth $150 in your opinion?

I would reccommend upgrading to smoothie! You will be amazed at how much better it is.


@Rich_Barlow ​ ^ ^ ^ link to +Peter van der Walt​’s donation page

+Peter van der Walt​ does grbl halt all motion if a limit switch depressed like in smoothie? I have been thinking that you could use the Z min/max pins to monitor some auxiliary interlock/flow switches… @Rich_Barlow ​ I think it would be safer for you to run your flow switch in series with the laser enable button that way you are guaranteed the laser won’t fire if water pump isn’t running