Hi all. Just a quick question. I have an A3 eleks maker.

Hi all. Just a quick question. I have an A3 eleks maker. Ive figured out how to properly run everything and it works. Just wondering if there is an option to have laserweb display the current position of my machine/laser? If there is how can I utilize that?

after you connect and home the machine it should display the current location with a marker. I watch jobs run on my monitor all the time and jog to position with a camera to see its location on the material.

@Domm434 huh… It doesnt show up for me

does your machine have limit switches and can run a homing cycle successfully? What kind of control board?

Is your grbl setting S10=0

Joe, I’m not sure what that means… sorry, super new at this. How do I find out what kind of control board it is?@Domm434

@Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty Under which setting would I that under?

@Ezer_Arriola do you know how to change firmware settings for grbl? If not I suggest you look for a video explaining that explains a little on this. Or read over here https://github.com/LaserWeb/LaserWeb4/wiki/2.1-Initial-Configuration-GRBL-1.1

@Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty Thanks, will have a look!

@Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty Huge help! Thanks Ariel, my $10 was set to 1. When I changed it to zero it started to track my current position.