Hi All, I'm using FastLED to control a strip of 150 WS2812B LEDs.

Hi All,

I’m using FastLED to control a strip of 150 WS2812B LEDs.

I’m trying to animate a palette and was hoping to use the “heatmap” method so I I can easily increment positions and have a smooth gradient between each position:

byte pos1 = 94;
byte pos2 = 132;

0, 194, 1, 1,
pos1, 1, 29, 18,
pos2, 57,131, 28,
255, 113, 1, 1};

The intention would be to change the pos1 and pos2 values between specified min and max values using EVERY_N_MILLISECONDS…

As far as I can tell, “DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE” only sets the palette once - at startup.

Is there a different way I can achieve this?

Many thanks for any help you can offer.

Hello Dean. Check out these posts:



Hi Marc,

These resources look perfect, thanks!