Hi All,
I’m facing the following problem: when I try to engrave a png or a svg with the Fill path tool, I see that the borders of the image are much more burned than the inside part of the image. What do you thing I’m doing wrong?
This is the file of the workspace and the original svg email: https://we.tl/WfAehRXQj1
I’m using currently a EleksLaser A3 2500mW
Do you setup the speed and laser diameter with the same values?
I think so. 4000 is the highest speed i set in GRBL. I set the speed in the job at 1000. Shouldn’t be a issue, isn’t it?
Well the only reason I can think for this happening is:
-different speed for the fill and perimeter
-different laser diameter
-different vector and bitmap
Are you running the laser over the perimeter in addition to the fill? If so, you’re doubling up the application of power. You shouldn’t need to use a perimeter trace after a raster fill if the raster is sufficiently fine (like 0.1mm).
@Jason_Dorie LW threats fill separately from perimeter, so at least another operations is needed for it
@Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty I thought maybe it was a speed / overscan issue, but that wouldn’t explain why the lines in the interior are also burned, unless it doesn’t raster the entire image at once, but that’s really inefficient for a laser (normal for a CNC).
@Jason_Dorie laser file path is a vector only operation, it’s a raster (scan) for vectors. So he could be doing bitmap for the perimeter and then the inside as fill path, thus having to select power and speed for each.
This was added as a scan option for vectors and it lest you control the order in which you scan, trace, cut , etc
@Jason_Dorie how can I check if I’m accidentally doing it? As far as I’m aware, I’m not doing any “multy layer” job
@Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty Should be able to answer that. I haven’t used LaserWeb enough to know.
Post a screenshot of the operation windows so I can revise how it’s setup, try expanding it
is that enough? do you need more info?
It’s good I just need the first one, if that the operation theme you are not using what you described above. Here it shows Laser Raster merge not laser fill path. This are different operations.
You are loading an SVG file with an image embedded?
Can you post a screenshot of the compete LW screen?
and those are the settings
Oh - does the SVG file itself have a stroked border? If you have both a stroke and a fill specified, does LW treat them differently? You might not even see it - pixels aren’t additive, so if you specify “black” as both the fill and stroke color you’d just see a continuous black shape, but the laser would apply the “stroke” black over the area already burned by the fill, making it darker. (Assuming LW treats it this way)
@Paolo_Del_Rocino Machine settings are not needed
@Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty the image is in the link I sent previously in my first post
Your SVG file does specify a black stroked outline:
<path id=“XMLID_88_” style=“fill:#555555;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.1;stroke-miterlimit:10;”
Try removing the stroke altogether (you could do this in a text editor by removing the “stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.1;stroke-miterlimit:10;” on each of the path lines in the file.
I cannot download your file know but if this is an image I suggest you export it as a JPEG or png and open it in LW as a raster operation and not and SVG.
This is what your file looks like with the stroke width bumped up a little to make it more visible: