Hi All, Can anybody point me in the right direction as to what the

Hi All,

Can anybody point me in the right direction as to what the heck I’m doing wrong with this file?

I’ve looked in corel and inkscape and can’t find these extra paths it’s generating. The knife I took from another file I engraved just fine (it was on laserweb3 though), all I did was make it bigger and cut the lines where the letters intersected using corel’s “virtual segment delete” tool. I’ve also tried to make the file into a bitmap and then trace it to get fresh paths but it isn’t working so I feel I’m doing something wrong. I’m a little bit of a noob with this so I don’t doubt it…

Thanks ahead of time!

It looks like the knife is a closed path and corel is trying to preserve that closed path when you delete a segment of it.

Instead of deleting the segments, you could try to give them a different color, and use the color filter in LW4.

It works when I convert the main part of the knife to a contour only in AI but I don’t know if Corel has an equal function.

@cprezzi thanks! I’ll look into it when I get home today.