Hey Smoothie people. Any of you familiar with vue-js ? In particular vue-cli.

Hey Smoothie people. Any of you familiar with vue-js ? In particular vue-cli.

I’m building the new web interface for v2 on top of that, and I have some questions on how to do things correctly, fix some warnings, etc. Having somebody with some ( well, any really ) vue-js knowledge to talk to, would be super helpful.

Please if you feel you could help even a bit, email wolf.arthur@gmail.com
Also if you are very familiar with es6, you could similarly be of help.

Thanks !


Anything to say in your defense ?!?

( eh, I should have guessed you’d be answering to this post :stuck_out_tongue: )

il est un peu vieux cet article… sinon pas grand chose a défendre, j’ai pas mal utiliser vue.js que j’aime beaucoup, mais pour un petit/moyen projet riot.js est bien plus adapter (je pense), et bien plus simple a prendre en main.

Bah, c’est que la quatorzieme reprise a zero du projet d’interface web smoothie, si ca se trouve #15 utilisera riot :stuck_out_tongue:

Jeez, another day, another js framework! I’m no expert on js, but is plain old jquery/jqueryui insufficient? Am I just a dinosaur?

@SirGeekALot I use jquery too :slight_smile: It does a completely different job.
It’s a different way to structure the app.