Hey look! ESP8266 support! It basically supports everything in FastLED - all the led

Huzzah works !
(just uploaded DemoReel)
1.044.464 Bytes Memory
81.920 Bytes dyn. RAM

Google Photos
Next step is to include WiFi functionality

2Juergen: I´ve got to run one Neopixelring with Huzzah, controlled via Blynk-APP on my smartphone, but yet with the Adafruit dotstar library only. Could you please post your Sketch which uses the FastLed Library? I need it to control some older WS2801 stripes. THX

@Peter_Fullhase Voilà: http://pastebin.com/vTPGba7x
However it does not work correctly yet: The animation stops right away.
Include case and break, etc. to have the animation
running until a new request is being sent.
Have no time right now. Maybe you can modify and repost ??
Danke !!