Hey Guys! I need some urgent help to hit a deadline on coming monday.

If you’re up for the challenge, I nominate @Mark_Kriegsman 's TwinkleFOX. You really can’t go wrong with a little TwinkleFOX action!

Maybe tweak the variables to calm it down some to make sure your interaction animation stands out from the idle animation.

Or use something from the DemoReel100 and customize to your needs.

I have more Troubles with the implementation of the actual idle trigger

Here’s some sudo code for one idea of how you might do that.

boolean buttonTriggered = false
boolean idleState = true
uint8_t idleCount = 0
uint8_t timeout = 10 //seconds before going back to idle state

add to your button trigger stuff, such that any time any button is pressed these get set:
buttonTriggered = true
idleState = false
idleCount = 0 //resets count

add in main loop:
if buttonTriggered = true {
EVERY_N_SECONDS(1) //run every second

if idleCount = timeout {
buttonTriggered = false
idleState = true

if idleState = true {
run your idle animation