Hey guys. I have LW3 running on a pi.

Hey guys. I have LW3 running on a pi. Unfortunately it took quite a while to build the machine (only a small UV Laser) but we’re coming close now. I thought about updating to LW4 but wonder what the best way is. Do it completely fresh? Only remove LW3 from the Pi and try that appimage file (haven’t dealt with appimages yet).

Thanks for helping!

@Helmi ​ LW4 gui will not run (properly) on a Pi. You can have the LW4 server on it but work from a more powerful computer.
For that follow this instructions exactly

of course I was talking about the server. Running a desktop UI on the Pi actually doesn’t make any sense in most cases.

Well I did run LW3 gui on the pi with no issues

You can leave LW3 on the raspi (for fallback) and install the lw.comm-server in a separate folder. The server also hosts the webfrontend (on port 8000), like LW3 did.

The AppImage will not work on the RasPi, it’s only for Linux on x86/x64 based CPU’s (Intel/AMD).

Isn’t the point of running an RPi to get rid of the bigger computer? My buddy and I have been futzing around with a Pi3 with LW3 and LW4 with a CNC shield. We will abandon the Pi/LW4 if it’s not going to work.



I think the misunderstandment here is that running LW4 on a Pi is absolutely not a problem but using the web interface on the same Raspberry Pi just doesn’t make sense. Use the web interface just from your standard computer. The Pi is the right piece of computer to run LW4 itself and communicate with your Lasers electronics.

If you still want to run the gui on the pi you may have success but that should definitely always be slower than running this from a standard webbrowser on your computer, tablet or whatever.

@Helmi You should differentiate between the frontend and the server. What you mean is running the LW4 server on the Raspi is not a problem (and accessing the frontend by a chrome browser from a PC).

@Paul_Pridday The LW4 frontend would need the Chromium Browser to be completely functional, but the Raspi still has very limited ressources (RAM). Just not enough to run the LW4 frontend smoothly.
Using the Raspi as the server (gateway to USB and converter for supported firmwares) is working fine. You can access the frontend from a PC with Chrome Browser, use the CAM to create the gcode and run the job (send gcode to server). You can also install the LW4 exe on a PC and connect the server from there (if you prefer to have a desktop app).