Hey folks, this is the complete code for the animation I showed here:

Hi, very good animation. I test it with my matrix(16*50) and find out probably line 48(uint8_t noise[1][16][16]:wink: must change to : uint8_t noise[NUM_LAYERS ][Width][Height];

@alireza_abdiyan You are right but noise[NUM_LAYERS ][Width][Height]; doesnĀ“t compile for reasons beyond my understanding. So yes - if you have 16x50 leds you need the noise array with 16x50 entries.

Mh. I geht weird flickering with wemos D1 Mini. At first i thought it was abpower problem like i already had, but everything else runs without flickering. I slowed it down two 2fps and sometimes there is a completely different pattern in one frame.
Here is a sample with a not matching framev at 11s.

@Stefan_stelb_Le_Bret Interesting. Just half of the frame corrupted. SPI speed to fast?

Sorry Iā€™m reasonably new to the fabulosity that is fastled - I adapted this code for a ws2812 matrix and currently have it hooked up to a nodemcu esp module - but the animation speed is noticeably slower than in the video - can anyone answer if this is down to the board , the fact Iā€™m using ws2812 / neopixels or that Iā€™m using Pin 2 on it for the data?

And ideally, is there any way to speed it up in the code as my apa102s and teensy are currently being used elsewhere

I get about 75 to 85 fps depending on which ESP Module i am using. I donā€™t think that there is anything we can do about that.

Regarding SPI. ESP so Not have SPI support so i cannot mess with it. While it might be a problem of too many fpsā€¦ it should vanish with throttling.

I will try this with another Matrix when i find the time.

Itā€™s some HW problem. I added a cross before show() and it was messed up too.

@Lawrence_Clark Yes, the animation speed depends on the hardware a lot. In order to speed it up on slower hardware change the lines 103 and 106. Example: Change
x[0] = x[0] + (2 * noise[0][0][0]) - 255;
x[0] = x[0] + (4 * noise[0][0][0]) - 511;
for the double speed in direction x.
Or speed x4:
x[0] = x[0] + (8 * noise[0][0][0]) - 1023;
Do the same with y.
Line 110 you can replace by
z[0] += 1 + ((noise[0][0][Height-1]));
for a 4x faster movement along z.

This code looks amazing on my 16x16 neopixel matrix! Youā€™re right, at times the animation has a breath like feel. Iā€™ll keep tweaking the parameters and post some progress soon. Thanks!

Thanks so much guys ! Also to Stefan for all his code he shares - Its very appreciated ā€¦ hereā€™s some things Iā€™ve made
missing/deleted image from Google+

Inexpensive graphic led poi using apa102, teensy and a rechargeable battery from an emergency USB phone charger
missing/deleted image from Google+

missing/deleted image from Google+

missing/deleted image from Google+

After buying another matrix with the same symptoms I finally found the fix die my problem:

Essentially a #define FASTLED_ALLOW_INTERRUPTS 0 before(!) including fastledā€¦

Only 84fps bitte smooth.