Hey all, is there a list of alarm-codes as example I got Alarm-Code 4

Hey all, is there a list of alarm-codes as example I got Alarm-Code 4 and 5 at auto leveling with grbl 1.1f. I think 5 is software limit or?

I also got random faults by auto leveling with jpadie :frowning:

Can you please let me know what the faults were and what was in the sjps verbose output when this happened? I have not tested the workspace with 1.1f, just 1.1e. But I have run dozens of autolevelling jobs since fixing the bug in the autolevelling widget without problems and I am not aware that anything has changed between 1.1e and f for autolevelling.

I was getting a ton of alarm 4 because of noise on my probe line. After adding a capacitor, 100nf ceramic, between A5 and ground and a 10K ohm resistor between probe and spindle, it’s working pretty flawlessly. In other works, are you sure it’s not mechanical?

List of alarm codes is here.

Although in the jpadie workspace you should be seeing the alarm description rather than the code.