Hey all, I want to give it a shot at building a 3D printer

I am wondering if it would be wise to purchase the controller first,then the stepping motors?

Because with the controller, I can get the firmware and software running.

It is probably wiser to save up $500 and then buy all you need. Because the printers change on a weekly basis, you can keep chasing the spec, buying bits and parts, and never get anywhere.

@Richard_Pouncy You will have a firmware running after about 15 minutes, and then without motors you won’t really have anything more to do with it.

The machine can be divided into three sub-systems: The electronics, the cartesian (or in the case of a few recent designs, non-cartesian, though I wouldn’t suggest any of these for a first, self-sourced printer) positioning system, and the extruder. I wouldn’t suggest getting an extruder before you have electronics, but other than that you can really work on them in any order you want.

Personally, I would probably go cartesian bot -> electronics -> extruder. The motors are part of the cartesian bot (plus one for the extruder), but they’re pretty much the last part you need to build it. You’ll get more mileage by choosing a printer design and acquiring the structural and linear-guide parts first, taking your time to put it together and get everything right while you slowly gather the other parts. Get the motors to finish the cartesian bot, then the electronics, then the extruder.

The one problem is that you’ll probably be able to get parts for a cartesian bot that are a little better-designed and a little less expensive if you save those for last, but that also means that it will take the longest to get the machine printing, with the most dead time with nothing to do.

Thank you

Im with whosa on this. I just got lucky and managed to get everything at once, but till that point I had the steppers, and was planning on building the structural end. I left electronics till last because you can get kits on ebay for 150-200 with everything you will need. But as time goes by it is pretty likely they will evolve. Where as if the design you choose evolves its less likely to mean everything you bought needs to be replaced, instead a beam or two might need replacing. As tempting as it is to get things turning, it is probably wisest to get the electronics last, especially if you have a cat.

Thank you all for the input. I was thinking I could build this and later convert it to a 3D printer: http://www.instructables.com/id/Make-a-CNC-Hot-Wire-Foam-Cutter-from-parts-availab/#step1