Hey All,
Fairly new here so go easy on me.
Just got my All-Tek ACR/Smoothieboard installed the other day.
Re-learning software and such.
I’ve managed to figure out cutting within LaserWeb and all it’s alignment requirements. Fairly simple.
I’m having a heck of a time with engraving. It doesn’t seem as simple as how CorelDraw/CorelLaser was working for me. I’m sure it’s just getting over the hurdles of being new to LaserWeb.
Any settings? or Smothieboard settings that should be tweaked?
I assume the below is my current firmware version on the Smoothieboard? Is this somewhat current? is there something better? I see mention of firmware-cnc.bin but I’m unsure if my config file would be compatible? remember I’m just learning all the ins and outs.
Build version: edge-3332442, Build date: Apr 22 2016 15:52:55, MCU: LPC1769, System Clock: 120MHz
Any help is appreciated.
Download this firmware version and rename it firmware.bin https://github.com/Smoothieware/Smoothieware/blob/edge/FirmwareBin/firmware-cnc.bin?raw=true
This is the most recent version that plays very nicely with LaserWeb
@Kris_Sturgess update the firmware as stated above, your current version is old. Also what exactly is the problems engraving If you allready cut, workflow is very similar
@Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty just need a starting point for light/dark speeds and such. Just not sure what speed I need to be around 80? 300? 1000?. Tried a few and it was going turtle slow speed.
I’ll do the firmware upgrade in a bit and will re-try.
@Kris_Sturgess firmware will not update the speed. Look under muy K40 upgrade collection for my config file, from the file you got from @Scott_Marshall only change seek and feed rate. You will find his file is optimized but the term are the same. Then do a controlled test to see what the optimum speed should be for your material, every material will yield a different result. I suggest get my gradient image also in my collection and start by doing 300 white / 200 black at 10mA (that would be a 100% just dial the pot to the amount)
Nice tip +Peter van der Walt Something we should add to the Wiki?
Will get to it this week.