Here is some footage of the latest project I'm working on.

Here is some footage of the latest project I’m working on. The circles all use strips of 36 LPD8806s. The strips are mounted on sliced up sections of a concrete forming tube. The background is a large piece of white foam core board. The caps are 40% transmission white diffused plastic that I had Tap Plastics make for me.

The software is still very much in testing and development so many of the patterns are somewhat rough and/or basic. Also I’m currently still working on a solution for securing the caps to the forming tubes. I’m having lots of fun working on these various projects, and FastLED has made it so much quicker and easier!

BTW @Mark_Kriegsman : the pattern at ~ 50 seconds in is my first usage of fill_gradient. It’s running a loop where I continually decrement the starting and ending hues (they are 45 points apart).

The occasional sound in the background is my Ruby Macaw. :wink:

Looks great-- and promising. Thanks for the note on fill_gradient.

I love the feature of where it looks as if you are adding a spot on the circle one at a time, and the space between the lights shrinks…too cool its at

Thanks! That was done using sin8 and cos8 to modulate the brightness (using millis() with a variable divisor to drive the speed).

I’m sure your explanation makes sense to others, but not me. Could you explain using pseudo-code?

I had a feeling that explanation wasn’t very clear. Now that I finally have a good understanding of how to use the wave-based functions (much of which came after reading some of the excellent detailed posts and code samples by @Mark_Kriegsman ) , I’m happy help others if I can. I posted the complete code segment at

What the code is doing is using two different wave functions (sin8 and cos8) to vary the brightness of alternating circles (i.e. circles 0, 2 and 4 are using one function, and circles 1, 3 and 5 are using the other function). I did this just to add a bit of variety.

The wave functions are the key to the whole pattern. The millis() / 50 and millis() / 20 code controls how fast the each wave function moves from 0 to 255. The * i essentially controls how many spots and spaces there are at a given moment (if you took that out, all you would see is a circle with a single color and the brightness would slowly ramp back and forth between 0 and 255).

In my experience so far (and I think Mark said something similar) finding the exact desired values for wave functions is frequently a case of just trying different combinations until you zero in on something that looks visually pleasing (although if you want a function that changes over a specific period of time, that’s easy to define).

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

I like to see how visual ideas are translated into code, thank you for sharing and spreading the wealth!