hi , i’m new member and i have some questions , i want to creat a cnc robot arm for my final study project
1-how can i enter the dynamic model, kinamatics and the control law of my robot arm in the ?firmware
2- can i applie this firmware for raspberry pi ?
Ohh that is technical
I would like to help you, but I’m afraid I can’t meet your expectations.
- there are a number of different Robotarm models in the GrblGru machine park that you can use immediately. If you have created another model that has the same axis structure as one of the existing models, you can integrate your model into the program yourself.
In the other case, i.e. if you have a completely new type, you cannot add it yourself. In this case I can help you and create a new type.
Maybe the following link is interesting for you.
- grblGru itself can only run under Windows and is connected via USB to a controller that takes over the actual control of the motors.
All controllers that provide the GRBL protocol with operating systems such as GRBL, GRBL-Mega-5X, GrblHAL, FluidNC can be used. I am not aware of any of these systems being able to run on the raspberry pi.
I wish you much success with your project
Thank’s I appreciate your response, but i have another question , The grbl firmware control The motion of the 5 axis machine straightforward without any feedback (eg. Encoders…) so it’s assume that the machine went exactly to to right position, and that may cause position errors or losing steps for the stepper motors
.so in my research, i want to do a regulation to the motion control of the machine based on the dynamic models of the stepper motors and build a feedback to the Arduino firmware using encoders to create the position error (velocity if needed) . Then, i want to calculate the new control law to compensate the error and provide robustness to The machine to handle with any disturbance or perturbation for short and long time .
But to do that i need to get the gcodes input commands from the firmware and handle with them as an orders for my steper drivers and compare them with current position provided by encoders, then the substraction between the two of them will give the error which is going to be eliminated by the control law to mentain the correct position.
The global question is , how to implement that in the grbl firmware?
I hope thet i am in the correct path of questing and clear an coherance.
If I understand you correctly, you would like to develop your own algorithm to control the motors. In my opinion, this already exists in the form of closed-loop-stepper systems. They also work with direction and pulse signals and the actual position is also constantly monitored. These systems are now very powerful and not that expensive.
But if you would like to develop something new, I recommend you get in touch with Terje Io on github.He is the developer of GrblHAL and a nice guy who can certainly help you. GrblHAL offers, among other things, the possibility to integrate your own plugins. GitHub - grblHAL/plugins: Plugins overview
Thank’s for your reply,
After some research and quietening, I unstrstand as a general Idea how the grbl control the motion of the cnc machine , but to make it compatible with My machine i need to implement my own geometric and kinetic model in motion_control.h ,
So for i launched a new research about The mathematical Analyse of the machine , and I’m also looking for a cad model for a 5 axis cnc milling machine like fusion 360 file or something similar
I appreciate any help or resources providing