Hi Everybody…
So; while I know a fair bit about diodes; I’ve never actually used a tube laser, I thought a ‘noob questions’ post here might help me sort my thoughts out.
One of the Amsterdam Makerspaces recently purchased a GBOS GH960 laser cutter from the people that origiinally operated it there. They are now trying to get it up and working; I got involved through an acquaintance.
The goal is to get it operational; and running on as much Open Source tech as possible. This means LightBurn is not part of this equation; VisiCut, LaserWeb, meerK40t, and others are where we are going.
The machine itself is in very good physical condition; original and undisturbed electrics, it has a brand new Chiller. It really seems to be totally ‘stock’, nobody has been making modifications to it.
Originally it was sold with a 130W tube (and a case extension to cover it), but the current tube is a 40W one, it gives a beam but it is weak. There are two ‘spare’ tubes of unknown quality (eg they may be failed tubes) in boxes that came with it.
From my research (*) I can tell that it has a Rudia controller, I didn’t get access to see / photo it but the parts list says it is a RDC6442S (and it has the matching control panel for that). This is a nice controller; but fails the most basic of ‘open source’ tests.
This makerspace is very much against any form of propriety lock in; they want to run this via an open source toolchain.
So; what I am trying to do is come up with a plan to get it working; and provide a robust toolchain they can use.
My approach is ‘software first’; We need to find a control solution that will get it moving, homing, switching on accessories and firing the tube. Once we have proper motion control we can work on alignments, tuning and evaluating the tube(s).
So; the current question is:
- Is it worth replacing the controller?
- Rudia controllers use a proprietory gcode variant, I want to replace it.
- There is a small budget available.
Can a ‘home made’ (this is a makerspace) esp32 controller + the existing stepper driver modules and FluidNC adequately run this machine?
- I want to have a controller that speaks ‘open, documented’ GCode; we can then put a Pi in the case and offer LaserWeb on the local net for composing and sending jobs; or use pretty much any other tool via USB.
- Having a web interface the the controller itself is very desirable too.
The alternative if we keep the Rudia seems to be VisiCut. This might also be a good solution. Does anyone here use VisiCut on a Rudia based machine?
Or am I missing a diffrent way of achieving this?
(*) GBOS have some ‘support’ but, for instance, the manuals are on dropbox… uurgh.