HELP… I love Laserweb. I have it running on my Win10 Laptop fine but when Installed it on my workstation I get an error " javascript error occurred in the main process" . Then I got a 404 error in a window. I have installed the latest Java. Can anyone advise.
@Sean_O_Brien_PapaSea could you have another app or instance running on port 8000?
I checked my ports. Nothing on 8000. Could it be blocked?
If this is your first time running LW , windows firewall could be the issue, try to whitelist it
I run it on my laptop just fine. I tried it for the first time on my workstation and it errored out. Checking firewall now.
Nope that didn’t do it.
Can I assume you tried a restart?
This error is usually tied with the port being occupied by another app.
There’s a way to change the default port it uses but I’ll need to look for it
Well more than address in use seems to be address blocked
@Sean_O_Brien_PapaSea found it. Go to the installation folder, look for a .env file, edit it to add
WEB_PORT=“port number” to see if this works.
@Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty Areil there is no such file. I am assuming the install folder in the PROGRAMS folder. ANd thank you for your effort so far.
@cprezzi can you help here.
@Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty I dont know if it has something to do with my Java installation. I have a stuck Java jre1.8.0_11full that I think was installed when I Installed Fusion. I cant seem to uninstall it. the MSI is missing. I have installed the lastest Java and it works fine.
@Sean_O_Brien_PapaSea don’t think is related to that. I’m almost sure is the port. But I could be wrong. ( Don’t think so )
Claudio can help resolve this
Java is not needed/used by LaserWeb4. The exe (Electron) includes a Chrome Browser with JavaScript.
There is no “.env” File by default, you have to create it (with a text editor). Just make sure the file is called “.env” (with nothing in front of the dot).
@cprezzi what would be the exact location of the file
The installation folder, where the exe is.
When you mentioned Chrome I thought it would be an extension doing this. Privacy Badger etc… I turned them all off and still no luck. I will check my laptops installation and see if the ENV file is there.
You don’t have to fiddle around with browsers and plugins. If you installed with the setup program, you get a exe which includes everything needed. The only requirement is, that the IP port 8000 is free and nothing is blocking access to it.
A .env file is usualy also not needed, but it can be created if you can’t use the default port for some reason.
@cprezzi So I did a lot of poking around with Netstat -abno and I saw that this program raysat_3dsmax2014_64server.exe had seized com port 8000. This is from an old install of 3DS Max 2014. So now I dont get an error anymore, but laserweb does crash as soon as I open the connection tab. Get the laserweb has stopped working. SO frustrated. But thanks for getting me this far.