Hello, I need help to start a small project contains 3D technology I need

I need help to start a small project contains 3D technology
I need your advice in terms of cost and number of printers and so on …
Thanks in advance

yes, any time


details and you’;ll get lots of answers

i need to start small project of 3D printer for kids toys and accessories,
i need business plan, market plan , more help to start …

  1. I need business plan, market plan, …
  2. ???
  3. Profit!

how to start mini factory of 3D printers at home or small office.


  1. Get printers
  2. Run them with BotQueue (I promise I’m not biased @foosel ​)
  3. Profit?

@Khaled_Abu_Hussein ​ there are lots of business plan templates available online, but basically you need to work out:
what product you are selling,
if there is a market for that product,
how big the market is,how much the market will pay for your product,
What competition there is,
The ability of the competition to undercut your lowest price (putting you in a loss situation, and out of the market)
Then you need to estimate equipment costs and overheads, be realistic not optimistic when doing this, assume everything will cost more than advertised price, then work out the cost per unit to produce, include labour costs even if you are the only person, take the cost per unit from the price you expect to get per unit, then halve the result for unexpected costs, deduct half again as your profit, if you are not in negative figures you may be fine and should continue with developing your business and marketing plans.
By this stage you should have a reasonable grasp on what the chances are of surviving in the market.

Sorry that sounds really negative, I am writing this on my phone so it is hard to see the whole comment, the key here is understanding the market and the competition in the market, the big players will play rough, they will use their position to disadvantage you, an example is the recent drop in oil prices, that was the established players undercutting the American shale oil producers, because the Americans production cost is higher and the established players can afford to lose money for a while, were the new market entrant cannot.
Don’t get discouraged but do be realistic, and as much as you might love your plan if the numbers say it isn’t going to work, then put it on the shelf and revisit it when the market or technology’s have changed.
All the best.

just buy one printer and see how you like it.

If you don’t care what the printer is, just buy one.

If you do care tell us what you care about. Ie materials, application, budget, working knowledge, resolution, speed and any size.

You can’t get them All, there is no one solution.

@Camerin_hahn ​ yeah can I get one with a 3 meter cubed build space that works with all materials at 0.01 mm layer resolution and prints quickly for under $500?

@Justin_Nesselrotte ​​ can you get a car that seats 100 and goes 200 miles an hour, and cost under $500?

Because if you can I want to sell you a Sandy beach front property in Nevada

@Camerin_hahn ​ oh yeah, and it’s electric and requires no recharge!

@Justin_Nesselrotte but wireless charging via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi is okay…

@Camerin_hahn ​​ well yeah, technically it recharges over stray wireless signals that are all around us.

@Richard_Earl Your post wasn’t negative, it’s realistic. It appears from his post the OP is still in the spitballing ideas stage and hasn’t given any thought to the details. Those aren’t going to be something that any online community can assist. One needs to have a pretty good idea of what they want to do before they can decide how to get there.