Hello, I just ordered my K40, and planning on upgrading it on day one.


I just ordered my K40, and planning on upgrading it on day one.

Which upgrades should I order ?

http://lightobject.com have a lot of parts, so I prepared my cart :



I also ordered :

  • Ramps board
  • Heatshrink
  • Endstop
  • Honeycomb bed

Is there anything I should add or change ?

Thank you !

You will need a air compressor for the air assist and a 18mm lens for it

Also think about upgrading the exhaust as soon as possible that is what I am working on now

I would caution against upgrading it “day one”. Get it working out of the box first. Make sure it works so if there are any problems you can go back to the seller for a fix (or $ return). Once you modify, you can’t ask them to fix anything that doesn’t work.

Once it’s all working in stock form, then go ahead and modify away. I would also suggest modifying one thing at once - e.g. add air assist get it working and then swap boards. If you do a bunch of things at once and it doesn’t work then it’s going to be much harder to troubleshoot.

@Jim_Hatch You are right, will do that, once I have checked everything works fine, is there any upgrade I should do first ?

@3D_Laser The 18mm lens is in the kit from lightobject. I will order an air compressor though, how could I forget … Beside the exhaust, is there any upgrade I should do first ?

Looks like the bundle is not available, would that be ok ? :
2 * http://www.lightobject.com/Laser-Reflection-Mirror-Mount-P205.aspx
3 * http://www.lightobject.com/20mm-Gold-Plated-Reflection-Mirror-P116.aspx
1 * http://www.lightobject.com/Improved-18mm-ZnSe-Focus-lens-F508mm-P206.aspx
1 * http://www.lightobject.com/18mm-Laser-head-w-air-assisted-Ideal-for-K40-machine-P701.aspx
Total comes to 110$ + shipping.

Fairly new to the K40 myself. But the air assist and new lens will mark a huge improvement. As far as a new board I am doing well with the LaerDRW board for the time being. Thinking about the Smootie but have no committed yet. If it aint broke…

My lens and my honey comb are on their way I can’t wait I have been having problems getting all the way through the material

Check your lens Cory. Mine had a fingerprint on it that I could not get off. It was burned into the lens somehow - not mine mind you. It arrived like that. Then I learned that the lens must be concaved toward the top and the flat side down. Check these areas. I cut through 1/4 wood like butter at 12mms. It’s astonishing how much you will enjoy air assist. The honeycomb bed is great, too. But it seems to me it creates more smoke. I think it is all the holes in the case.

Yea I don’t think I have mine completely focused. I even jacked the power up to 25ma (then was told that was a really bad idea). And tried to cut through it and I can’t get through

I’m also looking at what I need to upgrade. Anyone have an air assisted with dual laser. Where did you get it from?

@Jean-Baptiste_Passan si tu prend le probleme dans l’autre sense, je veux dire par la, sotfware to hardware, choisie toi le logiciel qui te conviens le mieux, je dois dire que pour le moment c’est a mon gout Visicut, Laserweb arrive derriere a grand pas. pour cela il te faudra une smoothieboard, and cocorico tu peux l’avoir aupres de @Arthur_Wolf direct de BREST. apres tu suis le tuto que j’ai mis en lien en haut de la page.
bienvenue a toi sur cette communaute.

@StephaneBUISSON Merci pour le ping. @Jean-Baptiste_Passan si tu as besoin d’aide avec quoi que ce soit en rapport avec Smoothieboard, je suis la pour ca.

@Arthur_Wolf @StephaneBUISSON Merci pour l’info ! Je vais chercher les infos pour la SmoothieBoard bretonne :wink: