Hello, I just joined your interesting group after playing around with a few ideas I got after browsing your site.
I am from BC, Canada, so I find it hard to get a lot of the metric stuff you are using in most printers.
Some time ago I built an i3 Prusa printer, but was never really satisfied with the poor tolerances on my unit, but nevertheless I used it to start building my version of your QR.
The aluminum is all from a scrap yard. About 16mm x 16mm square tubing. The corner pieces and motor holders are all printed. The cross carriage is cut from a piece of 2mm alu. scrap, with printed roller holders. (It is still bigger than needed, but I plan to mount the extruder motor on there and a fan.)
The V-wheels are Open Build. Expensive, but I like them.
My unique contribution to your design is that I only used two wheels on each side of the cross axis (X and Y).
It is not a finished project jet, but from what I have so far, I can tell that it will work well. It is tight with no play and yet it moves when I just tilt the frame slightly.
Right now I am waiting for motors, belts and pulleys.
Intererresting design.
I like your cross.
Interresting concept with tilting the extrusions 45 degrees. I hope the frame will be stiff enough with the printed corner joints.
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