hello friends for installing eclipse using cross compile using this link HowTo: Cross-Compile and Remote Browsing for BeagleBone Black on Windows and it's

hello friends for installing eclipse using cross compile using this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I667-sAzzZg and it’s working but when i m using fwrite and fclose which use in derekmolly’s 2nd video then it show some erore in that function as that function is not there.
help me
thanks :slight_smile:

Err, you’ve included stdio.h in the source (.c) file where you’re using the function calls?

@Mubarak_Abdu-Aguye i alreday included the include<stdio.h> in top of code

Ok, what’s the specific error message you’re getting?

Ok, what’s the specific error message you’re getting?

suposee we use printf in c and it’s show as define fuction, but when i use fwrite and fclso funxtion it show as function is not there like pre library type

Ok…well, that’s weird. Could you upload your source code? And in addition, you specifically mentioned fclose() and fwrite()…while it may sound silly, does fopen() work?