Hello everyone.
I am new to the cnc world but after several months of research I finally ordered my R7. I am using a Gradus M1 Pro and I am thinking about purchasing VCarve Pro and wanted to use a rasberry Pi3 and BCNC. Is any one using this combo or have tried it? Vectric couldn’t tell me for sure if VCarve would send to BCNC and run correctly. Hoping to get this figured out so I can order this also.
I’ll be working on setting up my R7 this weekend, and plan on using Tinyg/(BCNC or CNCjs)/Fusion360. I’ll post any problems and solutions here.
I bet it will run correctly, but you might have to post process the file from Vcarve. I’ve heard I need the grbl/tinyg post processor addin for Fusion (it’s from Easel). But I’ll dig in after assembly.
Good luck!
Fusion will generate gcode but it will not send it out the serial port. I am using tinygtablet for it and I like it. I have also used gcode sender and CoolTerm. The grbl and tinyg post processors are different so make sure to pick the right one.