Have any of you built a machine with the tube on the gantry? I’m always interested in upgrades/rebuilds, and my next logical step would be a custom case (I’m still in my K40 case). That, of course, has me thinking about going big (2’x4’ or thereabouts), and I know cutting power decreases the father from the laser you get. So it seems like mounting on the gantry would be a solution. I know lots of big machines do that. So any thoughts on the challenges of mounting the tube to the gantry?
Have you look here https://plus.google.com/communities/110904922300345487536
@Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty thank you! Off topic, but do you use Smoothie or GRBL on your CNC router?
Grbl on a gshield
@Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty Cool. I’m about to do a quick size upgrade to my small CNC for a specific project, so I may pick your brain if I run into any issues. Im also using GRBL, but I’m using that CNCShield V3 with mine.