Have a coding question with marlin. After configuring only the stuff in the configuration.h file I get this error wasn’t sure what to do
Check if you have the right board selected under Tools
Looks like you enabled an SD card reader function, but maybe your board doesn’t actually have one? (Or you have the wrong board selected)
This is only a verify. The board I want is selected. I dont have a SD card reader either
post your configuration.h on pastebin or something and link us.
think that worked
A couple things: You have temp_sensor_1_as_redundant - but temp sensor 1 set as 0; so are you using 2 sensors, or one? If one - comment temp sensor 1 as redundant; if two - you’ve gotta set a temp sensor profile.
Your extrude mintemp is quite a bit high. PLA extrudes at 180C; you have a minimum set for 210C.
You’ll want to enable EEPROM support. Allows you to calibrate without having to constantly reupload firmware.
If you have a heated bed, you want to uncomment PIDTEMPBED; a PID controlled bed is an amazing quality improvement on prints.
I can’t see any errors otherwise…only thing I can think is maybe one of the files have been modified in some way? Have you tried re-downloading the firmware from github and redoing your changes?
Thanks for all the tips. So i set all that stuff still no luck. I downloaded a new copy and noticed if I have the port set to zero in the code it works but when I change it to 3 which is what my printer is connected to it gives me that error
Thank you for all the help I reread it and it needs to be set to zero.