Has anyone gutted their K40? I'd be interested in getting an empty shell.

Has anyone gutted their K40? I’d be interested in getting an empty shell. Well a motion system wouldn’t hurt. But it doesn’t need to run, so no need of a tube, optics, or working psu.

I’ve considered replacing my gantry to something nearly identical to what @Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty did with openrail extrusion, but haven’t quite committed yet as it still works atm. Once I work out the pulley system and mount my new laser head I’ll be more committed. The main issue I have is that it still really limits the size of material I can work with vs. just building a new extrusion enclosure(potentially with a pass-through). What are you planning?

I just want a blue k40 shell I can take to trade shows :slight_smile: