Has anyone ever tried to hack a hanging weight scale to work with a

Has anyone ever tried to hack a hanging weight scale to work with a Raspberry Pi or an Arduino? I want to create a spool holder that displays a real-time read-out of the remaining filament.

I thought I’d try something like this cheap scale https://www.amazon.com/SODIAL-Digital-Hanging-Luggage-Fishing/dp/B015ODZSXG/ref=sr_1_8?s=kitchen&ie=UTF8&qid=1541611982&sr=1-8&refinements=p_n_feature_keywords_browse-bin%3A4891725011

But if someone has already done this I’ll happily stand on the shoulders of giants.

maybe I’ll try something like this article: https://medium.com/@edoardo849/build-a-scientific-scale-and-process-its-live-data-using-arduino-raspberrypi-and-socket-io-13a5671011d9

Working with scales ist way more complex as you might think, I tried a Arduino based scale once, but the filament spool weight should not be too complicated if you find a scale with digital interface. My kitchen scale does have a USB port internaly… Whyever…