Has anyone actually heard of someone successfully reproducing the "carbomorph" results published by Dr.

Has anyone actually heard of someone successfully reproducing the “carbomorph” results published by Dr. Simon Leigh at the University of Warwick? I keep seeing the same story recycled over and over since last November but haven’t seen anything new on the topic. It seems odd to me.

I thought Brook tweeted a few months ago they’d made some in their “lab” – have you asked him?

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@Al_Williams I asked Brook about how their experiments went several times, but he would never give a response to the carbomorph questions for some reason. I saw their pictures of their experiments, but I never saw anything indicating those experiments were successful.

@Barnaby_Shearer That was the point of the question. It seems that nobody has reproduced the resistances cited in the original paper. However, the original article keeps getting picked up as news by various blogs but never any successful results. One guy was actually trying to go to meet Simon Leigh to get it straightened out, but could never pin him down on an available time.

@graham_mewburn I would try that but periodic Google searches haven’t turned up any successful results yet.

http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF00263240 has the details of how they made it. Distillation of bad chemicals for the carbon black and dry nitrogen for the polymerization step. Sounds like a lot of work. (Click on look inside).

I use google alerts for many subjects and the results are very different to a search
no harm in giving it a try

@Understanding_3D_Pri Thanks for the information. Not being a chemist it’s a bit over my head at this point, but it’s a starting point for further learning. I noticed that this article is dated 1983 and is not mentioned in the references in the original carbomorph paper. Is this some commonly known way to formulate these sort of things? And have you actually seen carbomorph with the claimed electrical characteristics? Thanks!