Hallo I saw an old post from 2014 about usb camera on the RPI as webrtc server, has this been worked out? Anybody?
WebRTC worked before in Chilipeppr, but since Google implemented new security policy for Chrome in 2015, SSL is required now to allow WebRTC. There is a Cam widget using Motion, which is supported, search for @Frank_Herrmann video for more details.
Check out widget cam on github under ChiliPeppr repo. It’s close to working
I am using/trying the widget cam that comes with /imania, but how to configure it to listen to a given webrtc server? Or is it using the IP from the json server widget?
The one in github is super different
The webcam widget in imania is the aforementioned webrtc which has been phased out.
The new cam widget needs an IP address (of the pi, for example) where the MJPEG server is broadcasting the video stream of the camera.
Actually ray it has come full circle and the latest one I did is webrtc because I wanted the higher quality h264 video and wanted native webrtc because it runs in its own thread in the browser and mjpeg video does not.
What about the limitations from the first time around?
Peerjs was a 3rd party library I used to do the stun server. They shut down so it broke. Now I just use uv4l on raspberry pi.