Hallo I decided to try to compile g2core with the proper settings for my

Hallo I decided to try to compile g2core with the proper settings for my machine so I went ahead with edge and after sending it to the DUE there is no connection with SPJS nor the led is blinking.
So I tried with edge100 but I get :
io@iobook:~/Documents/g2-edge-100/g2core$ make
Makefile:53: …/Motate/MotateProject/motate/Motate.mk: No such file or directory
make: * No rule to make target ‘…/Motate/MotateProject/motate/Motate.mk’. Stop.

What is the advised version to pick for compiling?

I managed to compile and have a working bin with 087 but it seems like it is not picking up my settings in settings_default.h
I am doing a export SETTINGS_FILE=settings_default.h
before make

I think compiling of TinyG firmware is better for the Synthetos forum. I don’t think many people here, including myself, have ever compiled the TinyG firmware.

Let me know how you progress. I’m about to compile for TinyG(so I can work out the problems with M6). Right now I’m still building the toolchain so I might as well be prepared for any snags.

In Linux it s pretty easy as it downloads everything you need by itself, maybe you are better off with a usb stick with a bootable Ubuntu?

I’m building the toolchain on Gentoo. Ubuntu is definitely not for me for a variety of reasons.

So I managed to compile edge-087 with the proper settings (it can be confirmed on the machine) BUT the machine is moving a bit too much over a given lenght… really strange, anybody with a good hint ?