Guys, i have to make a presentation and a q&a session for a University,

Guys, i have to make a presentation and a q&a session for a University, its aimed for MBA teacher and university academic council. Im thinking about what i should cover on the presentation.

So, my topic list would be:

  • Brief intro to 3d tech (when it started, what its all about)
  • Difference between pro and maker printers.
  • Main players for both categories.
  • Current tech state and future.
  • Some “high” impact usage examples (something medical, a gun, a production line example, like a car manufacturer).

I want to avoid tech talk until the q&a session.

Any tips?.

What is your aim behind the presentation and who is your audience? Is it to show the disruptive force of 3D printing in economics and manufacturing or to showcase the current state of 3D printing manufacturers? The first one would show the rise of 3D printing outside of large manufacturing and perhaps concentrate more on adoption statistics and potential disruptive “areas” like repair part sales, 3rd party customization, etc. If it’s the latter, I like your outline but you may go more into the current patents on 3D printing and the relative penetration into specific verticals.