Guys! Here is the latest news on our Kickstarter project:

Guys! Here is the latest news on our Kickstarter project: 319 backers
$242,016 pledged of $75,000 goal 17 days to go! We’re really pleased with all the support we’ve had so far.

We’ve made a few updates since we last posted and we’d be really interested in getting some feedback!

The first thing to update; a huge highlight for us is the $250,000 mark we are all so close to! We’ve currently raised just over $242,000 and we’re drawing very near to reaching our first stretch goal for tripod mounting!

Secondly, another big announcement for us is our partnership with Joshua Harker: he’s created a really cool cover for the Fuel3D which can be seen here:
This is an exclusive offering to kickstarter backers only.

And finally, to answer one of the common questions we’ve been recieving: ‘How large a subject can be acquired in a single Fuel3D image?’ You can our response to this here:

If you get a few minutes to check these links out, that’d be great and we’d be happy to accept any feedback you have.

Charlie - Fuel3D