GOOD MORNING!!! I know I’ve been fairly quiet lately in regards to producing projects… I have been experimenting with connecting the laser fire pwm for a single pin setup and analysing the end engraving/cutting results. I would like to bring a few pros and cons I have discovered… since I don’t have an O-Scope this was my only method. On a genuine smoothie I have noticed that cutting/engraving max power is limited to around 7ma when using the MOSFETs (-2.4,-2.5) to control the laser. The small mosfet (-2.4) has a more linear power output when using laserweb from power 0-100. When connected to pins -2.5,2.4,2.5 I have to up the minimum power in laserweb to approx 10% before 10% gray is registered and even then only a portion of my test image engraves the lighter shades of gray. Pins 2.4,2.5 will allow for full control of the lasers power with the potentiometer setting the ceiling power. I am not sure if my results are skewed based on the logic level shifter I am using because I notice a .57v drop on the output power on the high voltage side of the level shifter (4.43v max pwm output from from the 5v source). So to wrap up this long winded post I have found that for me -2.4 (small mosfet)works best for engraving and pins 2.4,2.5 works best for cutting. Have a nice day everyone
Very good, thanks for sharing. Will be good info for other future upgrades
Thanks for sharing Alex. All of that goes well & truly over my head unfortunately.
@Scott_Marshall You may want to take a look at this. Might help with working out which pin/etc we are best to run off.
good to know someone else is see results like this i thought i was going crazy
And the fun continues. Alex I thought that you were using the “L” pin for PWM control and not connected through a level shifter to the "IN pin. We really need to get clear on the config that everyone is using if we are to figure this out.
The real answer is to look at the light output but I am struggling to get a clear analog signal at these IR frequencies and I am travelling a lot and away from my laser.
I expect when using the level shifter on the IN pin the actual power output will be shifted from the PWM % given to the smoothie.
As an example if the pot is set to 50% of the max power and the PWM value in the smoothie is set to 50% power I would expect that the output would be 50% of 50% or .5 x.5=.25 or 25%. Likely the actual value is less predictable because the pot is not linear.
Its not obviously to me why one MOSFET or the other would make any difference in the output since they operate in saturation mode. That is unless something is level shifted.
I will be back at my laser on Thursday and start my smoothie conversion so perhaps I can add some more practical answers.
I also have a new idea to measure light output… the IR sensor from Radio Shack has not response in this lasers range.