Getting the Titan from E3D. Strange they don't post the step per mm.

Getting the Titan from E3D. Strange they don’t post the step per mm. is anyone using this extruder what should I input the step per mm for 1.8deg nema 17? thx

May be worth posting this one to the 3D printing community. Quite a few titan users in there.

Steps are roughly 3x what a normal direct drive is since it’s 3:1 reduction.

Here are my e steps for what it’s worth:

steps_pr_mm_e = 25.60

Did you start from (2003)/(7.3π)?

Love the Titan, just ordered three more!

Will you be doing 3 MISO? That would be cool. Can redeem do this?

@Step_Cia I didn’t use any formulas. Simply ballparked 3x direct drive steps then fine tuned until requesting 100mm of filament was accurate.