Getting Started at Maker Forums: Please Read This First

Welcome all makers! Maker Forums is a friendly place for makers to share information and experiences in on 3D printing, laser engraving/cutting, and more. It is for anyone who wants to share their knowledge, for people looking to learn new things, and to ask for advice when experiencing problems or issues with machines or software.

If you are new to Maker Forums, let us help you get started:

  1. Discobot — After you register, you will get a private message from Discobot. Click on your avatar, the image at the upper right hand corner, to read the message. Discobot provides a quick, helpful tutorial on how to use this site. Afterward, consider following the Advanced User Tutorial

  2. Read our FAQ to know what is expected here. Be kind, be appropriate for all ages, don’t steal from others, be honest about money. We have zero tolerance for spam-like activities, in order to make this a good place for makers to congregate.

  3. If you previously used Google+, please use the “Log in” button and click “with Google” so that the site recognizes you as the author of any content you wrote on Google+. After that, you can use any authentication method you like.

  4. Please join us! If you ask a question and get an answer that helps you, please join us and help answer other people’s questions! Post your projects here to help inspire others. Share your ideas.


A post was split to a new topic: Rotary on Sculpfun laesr