Get ready to 3D print carbon nanotube-reinforced objects.

Get ready to 3D print carbon nanotube-reinforced objects.

Year-old Silicon Valley-based startup Arevo announced today it will offer carbon nanotube-reinforced filament.

Carbon nanotubes are made of rolled-up, atom-thick sheets of carbon (also known as graphene) and can be used as an additive to boost an object’s strength.

The weakest part of printed parts is the bond between layers. I don’t see how adding tubes will help.

I’m starting a filament production company adding horse hair into it as it may offer strength properties to pla.
Future products will include sugar, strawberry seeds and fairy dust. As they may aid strength especially the fairy dust.(snigger).

@Shachar_Weis that’s not always true. Nylon for example, can bond so strongly interlayer that when you rip it, it’ll rip up the wall of the object, rather than across the layer stack.

Ah, cool. So there you go, who needs nano tubes.

@ThantiK I’m not picturing what you mean. Care to elaborate on a loading scenario where you have seen this?

@Ben_Malcheski , horizontal single layer nylon wall. Try pulling it apart with a pair of pliers, it rips vertically, not horizontally.

@Tom_Martz , I remember seeing a video of this happening somewhere, do you happen to remember where I might find it?