G-code preview using OpenSCAD/RapCAD

Started working on this at:

It’s on GitHub at:

but needs a few more modules.

First is setting up the cut:

There are 4 possible positions:

For those who are curious, the BlockSCAD file is at:


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Next, we transfer the code into the library which is being imported into RapCAD:

and begin adding the writeln() commands for it:

writeln("(STOCK/BLOCK, ",stocklength,", ",stockwidth,", ",stockthickness,")");
writeln("(Move to safe Z to avoid workholding)");
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With them in place, it is possible to create a file:

include <C:/Users/willa/OneDrive/Documents/RapCAD/Libraries/gcodepreview.scad>

difference() {
  setupcut(9, 4, 1, "Top", "Center");

  gcut(0, 0, 0, 4.5, 2, -1, 390);


which renders as expected:

and generates the expected G-code:

(STOCK/BLOCK,  9 ,  4 ,  1 )
(Move to safe Z to avoid workholding)
G1 X 0  Y 0 Z 0
G1 X 4.5  Y 2 Z -1

which previews as expected:

So the next module can be added.

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Next module is for tool changes:

module toolchange(toolno) {
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Other requirements for G-code are:

  • Rapids
  • Feedrates

and a requirement for cutting is to plunge which often requires a different feedrate — so arguably one could combine these.

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Rapids should be pretty straight-forward, something like:

module rapid(bx, by, bz, ex, ey, ez) {
	writeln("G0 X",bx," Y", by, "Z", bz);
	writeln("G0 X",ex," Y", ey, "Z", ez);
    translate([bx, by, bz]){
    translate([ex, ey, ez]){
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Many commands, and the overall state of the program won’t make much sense w/o a few additional variable definitions:

  • Safety/retract height
  • Feed rate (this must be defined before, or at the end of the G1 line it is to be applied to)
  • Plunge rate — it is tempting to define this in terms of feed rate — half to one-fourth
  • spindle speed

Because of how tools are defined, it will only be possible to use metric.

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The big difficulty here is the difference between G-code having access to, working w/ the current machine state, and OpenSCAD lacking that (programming a full machine simulation is left as an exercise for the reader).

In particular, the G53 command allows movements relative to the machine origin — the merits of adding additional variables for machine dimensions and offset from origin might make for an interesting discussion.

Given this, it looks like at a minimum either pairs of commands are needed:

  • movements which include both origin and endpoint
  • movements which include only the endpoint and are used contextually

Or, one has only the latter sort and any movement has to be programmed on that basis — the first movement would be in the setupcut module:

(Move to safe Z to avoid workholding)

and should allow for a safe move down to XY origin at retractheight.

Lastly, for instances when one is doing a single cut, one will want to be able to loop w/ a plunge at one end, and a retract at the other:

module plungegcutretract(bx, by, bz, ex, ey, ez, tn, retract) {
rapid(bx, by, retract, bx, by, bz)
gcut(bx, by, bz, ex, ey, ez, tn)
rapid(ex, ey, ez, ex, ey, retract)

This should allow cuts using loops such as:

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After adding/adjusting modules (updated at: gcodepreview/gcodepreviewing.scad at main · WillAdams/gcodepreview · GitHub )

we can make a file like to:

include <C:/Users/willa/OneDrive/Documents/RapCAD/Libraries/gcodepreview.scad>

stocklength = 219;
stockwidth = 150;
stockthickness = 8.35;
toolradius = 1.5875;

retractheight = 3;
feedrate = 850;
plungerate = 425;

module radialflattenX(xbegin, xend, ybe, xcenter, ycenter, toolnumber, tr, depth, retract, plungerate, feedrate) {
  for (i = [xbegin / tr : abs(tr) : xend / tr]) {
    plungegcutretract(i * tr, ybe, -depth, xcenter, ycenter, -depth, toolnumber, retract, plungerate, feedrate);

module radialflattenY(ybegin, yend, xbe, xcenter, ycenter, toolnumber, tr, depth, retract, plungerate, feedrate) {
  for (i = [ybegin / tr : abs(tr) : yend / tr]) {
    plungegcutretract(xbe, i * tr, -depth, xcenter, ycenter, -depth, toolnumber, retract, plungerate, feedrate);

difference() {

setupcut(stocklength, stockwidth, stockthickness, “Top”, “Lower-Left”);


  rapid(0,0,retractheight * 2,0,0,retractheight);

radialflattenX(0, stocklength, stockwidth, stocklength/2, stockwidth/2, 101, toolradius, toolradius, retractheight, plungerate, feedrate);
radialflattenX(0, stocklength, 0, stocklength/2, stockwidth/2, 101, toolradius, toolradius, retractheight, plungerate, feedrate);
radialflattenY(0, stockwidth, 0, stocklength/2, stockwidth/2, 101, toolradius, toolradius, retractheight, plungerate, feedrate);
radialflattenY(0, stockwidth, stocklength, stocklength/2, stockwidth/2, 101, toolradius, toolradius, retractheight, plungerate, feedrate);


which renders as:

and loads into CAMotics w/o errors as:

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Next is working out how to do more than one layer of cuts — I don’t think OpenSCAD/RapCAD have tools which are suited to solving for a number of internal passes, so this will probably need to be brute-forced/designed into the model.

Probably modules which model full-depth plunges in OpenSCAD (to try to limit model complexity) while outputting the necessary depth per pass iterations until one reaches a full depth of cut in G-code will work.

First out of the gate is probably a drill command which will be used for dogbones in joinery.

Reviewing things, the first thing is a switch for enabling/disabling G-code generation, so we add a variable:

generategcode = false;

and wrap all instances of writing out G-code in suitable tests:

if (generategcode == true) {
	writeln("G0 X",ex," Y", ey, "Z", ez);
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With this in place, it is possible to disable G-code generation and use OpenSCAD for working with the file:

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Updated things to allow all possible stock positions:

Top and Bottom:

and Lower-Left, Center-Left, Top-Left, and Center:

and when G-code is generated, there are comments which a 3D previewer can use to set the display of the stock and its position to match:

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A more useful project, joinery:


The Vertical direction is done, and one may do both, odd, or even sides:

Next up is transferring this into RapCAD so as to get G-code, then once the concept is proved out, doing the code for the horizontal option.


First, a bit of testing — had to tweak the length of the fingers so that when two pieces are assembled, and one gets the intersection of them:

there is essentially nothing — file for that here:

cncjoinery.scad (1.5 KB)

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Revisiting this in OSGE:

Start by loading the gcodepreview module:

(note that the module should be "include"d rather than "use"d)

Then it is necessary to set up all of the variables which will be required:

Note that Customizer support allows one to set up drop-down menus and so forth.

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Started writing this all up at:

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and have just uploaded an updated version to GitHub, as well as finished up a basic first pass at the above on gitbook.

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