Fun Category

Please let us have a category for fun. Let the content be erased after 7 days from posting not to overload the servers.

Discourse never deletes. It only marks as deleted but saves anyway in case you change your mind.

Whoops I thought all this was “FUN” :slight_smile:


Gentlemen, for example I get from my daughter a video with a dog doing something that makes me lay on the ground; I’d love to share but it does not have to remain. Couple of minutes of laugh add couple days of live :wink: We need it for our bolts ans screws

@mcdanlj great: no overhead for the servers because all are links. WE need to delete not to distract our members for the main mission of making the world a “better place”. Tech support we do when asked for but it is not the main value of this hosting (is it India :stuck_out_tongue: )

@donkjr you are right it is. In Germany after some fun we open Beers: the Fun Category I suggest as Beers that does not stay for long

I’m just saying that the software doesn’t delete.

Whether the content is marked as deleted has no effect on the servers.

Nothing against beer!

By the way to this catogory could belong links to YT videos of @NedMan with his girl skating or mine (already shared building a shed).
Such posts help us see each other as humans instead of cores of some distributed solving environment.
I do vote for it.

The Lounge is available for folks that have reached “trust level 3” — it’s a Discourse default feature. It’s meant to serve this purpose. :slight_smile:

I just don’t want to see all that “funny” stuff that is chocking social media channels. This is a makers forum, not a funny stuff forum.

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The way my Sundays start as an example of Fun I mean.
You know me better now for sure


Yea, that’s maksers fun. That’s ok for me :rofl:

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I agree that we should keep the main content pretty technical, that is why I am here. However I also value seeing peoples shop, tools and connect a face with a person.
We should encourage profiles to have faces and use the lounge for this kind of stuff, I like that you have to reach a certain status to use the lounge!

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