Friends second thank's for your patience! Here you see my last testrun.

Friends second thank’s for your patience! Here you see my last testrun. It’s close to perfect :slight_smile: The photo display the Arduino/Spindlecontroller. I hope at the we i can show the complete process :slight_smile:

Looks great Frank! The limit switch I see there, this could be used for each tool to “touch off” and set the height/ zero point of it.
Also, if I wanted a rack of drill bits and a few end mills, each one would need to have the hex socket and vertical rod. I think this is ok, we can do this with a few milled plates sandwiched together.

+Peter van der Walt Ok, give me 5 minutes :slight_smile:

So here:

Correct, the “Stopper” it’s a 2mm thick POM plate. I pressed this tight on the Nut of the Collet … but wait for my video session at weekend, i’ll explain everything :slight_smile: