Fresh new!
- Warnings on low/high feed rates on CAM
- Clear all operations
- New filefield implementation (workaround for Pipo event model)
Fresh new!
@Jorge_Robles When I update to this version, I get the error in the screenshot. When I revert back to an earlier version, LW works fine… Is there something wrong? I am downloading the “LaserWeb.Setup.4.0.68-729_x64.exe” installer. 728 works fine as well as a previous version I had.
Going to recompile
@Arion_McCartney please try win32 build. Are you using a 32 or 64
I am using 64. I tried 32 a bit ago and got the same error.
Should I try downloading it again?
Let me recompile. Will post. Thanks!
Ok great. Thank you!!
This guy goes off the awesome scale!
Done… Please download from
@Jorge_Robles It works great now. THANK YOU!
I can confirm the PIPO now correctly opens files! Will do more testing tomorrow!
Thanks again!
I hate to be the bearer of bad news…
Yes I can open the files now, but as soon as I try to add them to an operation(1), it freezes up (and when you move between tabs, it no longer shows the contents of the file tab!)
Also: Cannot type anywhere(2)… (Though that might also be related to hotkey handling)
Then has to be other issue. The modified code is small and has no collateral effect to other component
Please test on a desktop to verify behavior
I can type on my laptop, but can not add files to operations either.
Tested also on my gamerig, and there it works just fine! :o
(Both typing and adding files to operations!)
Found!.. its a macros issue. Trying to find a workaround
send me your configuration on github issue, plz.
Which Github issue do you want me to use?
Issue number would’ve sufficed, but thanks!
Uploaded a snapshot file with all settings, etc.!
For now, deleting and recreating the macro’s did indeed fix the typing problem for me!